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Thank you for joining us. We have over 70 years of working in the criminal justice field, specializing in offender rehabilitation programming.
We offer:
practice-based evidence curriculum
personalized training for individuals and agencies
research assistance for providers of Another Way…Choosing to Change
We are here to help YOU!

Nada J. Yorke, LCSW
Nada Yorke, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, is co-owner of Yorke Consulting. As a Social Worker she is passionate about training organizations to empower, engage and motivate their staff and the clientele they serve. Her managerial, program development and case management courses have received high ratings as participants found her training to be both engaging and effective in promoting positive change within their organizations. Yorke Consulting was retained in 2015 to assist the Community Corrections Partnership of Kern County develop a strategic plan to address prison realignment issues under AB109.
Nada also manages Correctional Counseling for Change which provides assistance to individuals and organizations who desire to implement batterer intervention programming (BIP’s) within correctional and rehabilitation centers. Her research results from implementing a BIP in a California maximum security prison were published in the October 2010 edition of The Journal of Offender Rehabilitation using a curriculum she designed with evidence-based clinical interventions and addressing criminogenic factors. Her two-part curriculum “Another Way…Choosing to Change-a Participant Handbook and Step-by-Step Facilitator Guide” was published in 2014. A sought after trainer and speaker, Nada has spoken to national and international audiences of therapists, forensic counselors and law enforcement personnel about the issues concerning domestic violence and the value of working with perpetrators to stop the intergenerational cycle of domestic violence.
Nada completed her Masters in Social Work in 2009 and her undergraduate work in Psychology and Criminal Justice in 1984, from California State University at Bakersfield. She is a retired Kern County Probation Department supervisor, who developed specialized supervision caseloads for gang members, high-risk substance abusers, in addition to working with victims of violent crime. Prior to her relocation to Washington State, she served a term as an appointee to the Behavioral Health Board of Kern County, and several years as president of the Domestic Violence Advisory Council of Kern, in addition to serving on various State and local task forces and professional advisory boards and committees.
With over thirty years of forensic court experience, eighteen of which are specific to domestic violence, Nada has personally trained over 100 people to become batterer intervention providers and provides consultation throughout California to programs seeking certification of their batterer intervention programs. Recognized as a Superior Court expert witness for domestic violence, she has testified in over 25 trials and is regularly consulted by law enforcement and attorneys for the prosecution, defense and family law in the areas of investigation and understanding the dynamics of domestic violence.

Richard Yorke
Richard Yorke, is co-owner of Yorke Consulting. Richard has served in public safety service for twenty-nine years. He has held positons as a Probation Officer, Deputy Sheriff, Police Lieutenant and Security Manager for an International Corporation.
He is a practitioner of servant leadership and is passionate to coach and mentor others to discover and use their talents and gifts for developing other leaders.
Richard is a graduate of California POST’s Master Instructor program. He has developed curriculum for Law Enforcement, Emergency Management, Private Industry and faith based organizations with the emphasis of teaching others how to train and teach effectively using modern Adult Learning techniques.
As partner in Yorke Consulting, he is committed helping organizations and Individuals to realize their full potential though strategic planning, Leadership and staff training.
Areas We Specialize In
Workshop Facilitation
Curriculum Design
Criminal Justice & Corrections
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)
Program Efectiveness Evaulations
DV Expert Witness